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Day of the Medical Service Marked

30. 07. 2018

The ceremony on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th of July - the Day of the Medical Service was held at the Serbian Dom Vojske in Belgrade, in the presence of State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Bojan Jocic, State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Nenad Neric, representatives of the Defence Ministry and the SAF, employees in military healthcare and numerous guests.
Congratulating the Day, State Secretary Jocic emphasized that the Ministry of Defence, with Minister Aleksandar Vulin, worked hard to improve the capacities of the Serbian Armed Forces, among other things, military healthcare. He asked members of the medical service to work even more hard, assuring them that the Ministry of Defence would do everything to give them the opportunity to do their best job as much as possible.
- Do not forget, you are an important pillar in the healthcare of the Republic of Serbia, said State Secretary Jocic, adding that with the improvement of the working conditions of military medical staff benefit not only the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces, but the civil society too.
Addressing the audience, Head of Military Healthcare Department Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic stressed that the marking of important dates inevitably returns us to the past and is always an opportunity to express gratitude to those without whom the organized medical service in the present form would not be possible.
- The great names of military medicine, led by the first Head of Medical Corps Dr. Emerich Lindenmayer, are credited with this 179-year long tradition of trust in the expertise of a military doctor. History abounds in great men of medical service who devoted their lives to the military and medicine, and I am convinced that this will be the case in the future, said the Head of the Military Healthcare Department, adding that the medical corps of our country was developed and built with the military and the state, and the status of a military doctor has maintained through centuries by professionalism and daily dedication to a job that is rightly called a noble profession.
According to him, in the past year, military healthcare was faced with great challenges, but a lot was done to realize the tasks of all medical, dental and pharmaceutical services that represent the military healthcare system. He added that one of the priorities in the work - reorganization of military healthcare, was realized with the aim of improving the work of members of the medical units the Serbian Armed Forces, military medical centers in Belgrade, military hospitals in Nis and Novi Sad and the Military Medical Academy.
Today's ceremony was an opportunity to present stimulative measures to the most prominent members of the military medical service, and a special commendation was presented to Colonel Dr. Miroslav Brocic from the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery of the MMA handed over by Colonel Jovicic on behalf of the twelve-member team participating in the joint medical engagement in Angola.

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